This DEFTECH SCAN reports on and assesses occurrences in military technology and capability development taking place from late January 2021 through to late March. It contains reporting on recent activities and announcements in the United Kingdom (UK), United States (U.S.), Finland, Sweden, Australia, Israel, Germany. India, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Armenia, and the Republic of South Africa.

This report contains also new features that will be incorporated into DEFTECH SCANS going forward. First, where appropriate, it seeks to highlight how defence and security communities are meeting the challenge of Covid-19 both in terms of mitigating the current risks to personnel, societies, and operations and preparing to better meet the biological threats of the future.

Closely related to the increased attention to how technology is supporting defence and security community responses to Covid-19 is the paper’s emphasis on the importance of resilience—again, in response to Covid-19 and other biological and environmental threats as well as prioritized military capabilities, such as space architectures.

Finally, the Executive Summary boxes for two sections in this report include descriptions of articles or papers published on topics that are regularly covered in DEFTECH SCANS, but that are not featured in the text of the section. This approach allows for high-level updates of general reporting on key topics— for example, growing interest in hybrid engines—in a more efficient manner.

Source : DEFTECH

DEFTECH-SCAN January 2021

This Deftech Scan reports on and assesses occurrences in military technology and capability development taking place from late November 2020 through to mid-to-late January 2021 with some additional references to actions that predates the reporting period. It contains reporting on recent activities and announcements in the United States, South Korea, North Korea, China, India, Russia, France, Sweden, Japan, the United Kingdom, Germany, NATO, and the European Union.

The “New” Domains of Conflict: This volume has a strong emphasis on current developments and emerging requirements related to three domains that the Defence of Japan 2020 White Paper released in July of last year referred to as the “new domains” of conflict: space, the electromagnetic spectrum, and the cyber-domain. Of course, militaries of all sizes have been operating in these domains for years. However, small, medium, and large-sized militaries are concentrating research and development efforts on and organising around the iterative competitions in these domains.

Source & Full report : DEFTECH

Mettre un moteur dans vos recherches prospectives ? – La Prospective

Ce billet présente un « outil collatéral » fort utile mis en place suite à l’analyse des différentes sources de documents de prospective réalisée ensemble avec Dr. Rebeca Valledor et M. David Borel de la coopérative Centredoc, dans le cadre du projet FOCUS.

Dans toute recherche d’information, une étape cruciale est de choisir les bonnes sources. La variété (et quantité) est énorme : sites web, articles des journaux – scientifiques ou pas – , blogs, projets de recherche, thèses, réseaux sociaux, brevets, etc. Le choix dépend énormément de la question à laquelle on veut répondre et/ou la situation dans laquelle on se trouve.

Lors d’une démarche prospective, il peut s’avérer utile de consulter des informations provenant des sources spécialisées. Des nombreux gouvernements disposent d’équipes focalisées sur la prospective, des associations et « think tanks » à un niveaux étatiques et international réfléchissent sur les futurs possibles, tout comme des organisations internationales analysent les conséquences futures des technologies, etc. Un grand nombre de résultats d’études prospectives, de rapports d’analyse ou de recommandations au niveau politique se trouvent ouvertement sur le web. Ces sources constituent un excellent point de départ.

Une analyse approfondie nous a permis d’identifier plus de 60 sources proposant de l’information dans le domaine de la prospective. Mais une fois les sources identifiées, la question qui se pose est : comment trouver la bonne information parmi toutes celles-ci ?

Source et article complet : La Prospective