Donald Trump will control the NSA – what this means for your privacy

Donald Trump will control the NSA – what this means for your privacy

Regardless of which side of the political spectrum you are on, Trump’s control over the NSA is now an indisputable fact, and we think it is worth taking a closer look at what this means. It is important to note that as a Swiss company which benefits from Swiss government support, ProtonMail follows the Swiss policy of neutrality. We do not take any position for or against Trump, nor any position for or against any particular country or government. We believe privacy is an universal value, so we do not take any sides.

However, given America’s significant influence on the world, and the large number of ProtonMail users who come from the US, we are not a disinterested party.  Furthermore, we realise that the implications of a Trump presidency also interest a large proportion of the ProtonMail community, so we are here today to offer our unbiased opinion.

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